How Being a Baby Sleep Consultant Helped Me With Baby #2

Being a baby sleep consultant changed the way I thought about baby and sleep. I’ll be honest, I was the mom who didn’t think sleep would be a problem. With my first baby, I was confident baby would sleep soundly and on her own. Wow was I ever wrong! But I honestly didn’t mind. I loved nursing her to sleep, holding her as she slept, and bed-sharing. I slept when she did, and caught up on reading and watching Netflix. It was glorious.

But if you read about my sleep coaching story, you know I attempted sleep training at 6 months and discovered it wasn’t for me. However fast forward to being pregnant with baby #2, I knew I had to change things.

So I took two sleep consultant certifications (that’s right I said 2), and used the skills I learned as a sleep consultant and as a psychologist to teach bedtime learning to my toddler. I had her out of my bed and into her own bed just in time for her younger brother to arrive.

Working with my own Little Monkey, and the numerous years I spent working on sleep hygiene with individuals of all ages, I realized that I had knowledge to share. So I created my own sleep consultant certification program to share my expertise on sleep, parenting and running a successful private practice.

So with my son, I worked on independent sleep from birth. I created a newborn sleep course using the techniques I used on my own son to build a solid sleep foundation and wow what a big difference a solid foundation makes! I still nursed him to sleep and held him as he slept for the first few months. But then my toddler decided not to nap anymore so baby boy had to sleep independently. And with solid sleep foundations already in place, sleep training him was easy and painless. Victory!!

What’s your story? Do your babies sleep well? Or do they need your help? Either way, all babies are good sleepers! And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.